Saturday, December 9, 2017

1757 Campaign - "One Against Many'

The 1757 Campaign Season will be starting early 2018. The Prussians will have the following OOB:

King's Army: Frederick: 20 Infantry regts., 12 Grenadier bns.,  8 Kur., regts, 5 Dr. regts, 4 Hu. regts, & 30 12lb gun models. Totals = 3,870 infantry figures, 1,680 cavalry figures and 30 12lbers/ artillerymen=120, 
Totals =5,670 figures ( 56,700 "real men"). Stationed southeast of Dresden near Bohemian border passes that lead to Prague.

The King's Army is depicted in the attached photos. It took the greater part of 8 hours to set up. But will only take about 3 hours to return it to storage.

The first picture of the 5,600+ figures is a overview of the 41 infantry battalions and 12 grenadier battalions .... about 3870+ figures/ 38700 men.

Next is the left wing cavalry ...4 Kur. regts, 2 Dr. regts (including 10 sqd. 5th Dragoons), and 2 hussar regts.  About 800 figures or 8,000 real men.

Next is the right wing cavalry ...4 Kur. regts,3 Dr. regts and 2 hussar regts.  About 860 figures or 8,600 real men. This is von Seydlitz command

Next is a close-up of the 12 grenadier battalions. Please, notice that within each battalion are 2 sets of grenadier companies from different regts. They are all the historical groupings as listed in that excellent source...

Next we have another shot of the grenadier bns....this time from the rear so that you can see the 2 different sets of mitres in each battalion.
 Next we an overhead of the 41 battalions of infantry. These are the best infantry regts. that Frederick has! This shot is from the rear.
Last shot is a close up of Frederick's "Garde" including 6th & 15th Infantry regts....with Frederick beginning his review!
Please, also notice that there are 30 12lb cannons positioned in front of the infantry.

 Next is a listing of the remaining Prussian units, their commanders, and "station". Then followed by discussion on the "Allies" troops and more on the 1757 campaign.

Dresden Corps: G.F.M. Keith: 8 Infantry regts., 8 Grenadier bns., 3 Kur., regts,2 Dr. regts, 1 Hu. regts, & 12 12lb gun models. Totals =1,680 infantry figures, 520 cavalry figures and 12 12lbers/ artillerymen= 48,
Totals=2,248 figures ( 22,480 "real men"). Stationed southwest of Dresden near Bohemian border, just north of  the mountain passes that lead to Eger.

Silesian Corps: G.L. Bevern: 8 Infantry regts.,4 Grenadier bns., 2 Kur., regts, 1 Dr. regts, 1 Hu. regts, & 8 12lb gun models. Totals =1,240 infantry figures, 480 cavalry figures and 8 12lbers/ artillerymen=32,     Totals=  1,792 figures ( 17,920 "real men"). Stationed in Silesia between Schweidnitz and Neisse.

Torgau Corps: Prinz Henri: 6 Infantry regts.,4 Grenadier bns., 2 Dr. regts, 1 Hu. regts, & 8 12lb gun models.  Totals =1,140 infantry figures,480 cavalry figures and 8 12lbers/artillerymen= 32. Totals=1,652 figures ( 16,520 "real men"). Stationed in Torgau area as a strategic reserve that can move against French and/or Reichsarmee.

Note: 2 Dr. regts,1  Hu. regt. & 6 Fusilier regts. are stationed in Frankfurt/Oder as a reserve.

Total Prussian Forces: 48 infantry regts, 29 Gren. bns, 13 Kur. regts, 12 Dr, regts, 8 Hu. regts, 62 12lb guns,  Totals = 9,000 inf, 3,160 cav., 58 12lb/ 232 artillerymen (116 real 12lbers) =
    12,392 figures (123,920"real" men) 

Note:  Frederick has "only" 16 garrison bns stationed in East Prussian. When campaign season starts it is late April 1757. And the Russians will still be in Russia "proper". Not even close to their border with Poland. Therefore they probably can not start campaigning until early August or even  September...if at all in 1757!. Supply and transport are "major" issues for the Russians and only the help of the Austrians can address this. But the Austrians must occupy territory in Silesia, East Prussia and/or Poland in order to help.


AUSTRIAN OOB:   55  infantry regts, 55 Gren. cos, 10 Grenz regts., 18 Kur. regts, 12 Dr, regts, 12 Hu. regts, 75 12lb guns,  Totals = 11,040 inf, 3,200 cav., 75 12lb/ 300 artillerymen (150 real 12lbers) =   14,540 figures (145,400 "real men")   Austrian army is divided between Prague, Koniggratz, Eger, Olmutz, and Brunn.

FRENCH/REICHSARMEE  OOB:   48  infantry regts, 12 Gren. bns, 12 Kur/Hvy. regts, 10 Dr/CVL regts, 2 Hu. regts, 40 12lb guns,  Totals = 5,760 inf ,1,200  cav., 40 12lb/ 160 artillerymen (80 real 12lbers) =   7,120 figures (71,200 "real men")   French and Saxon units "may" be added during campaign.....depending on "political factors"! (and how many more I can paint in the coming months!)  French/Reichsarmee is divided between Mainz and Strasburg. And may not start campaigning until summer (they must roll each turn to determine if they can start campaigning...there are pluses ,minuses and the success/failure of Prussians and/or Austrians etc. that influence the likelihood of their involvement. ...!) For instance...if the Prussians have a string of victories the French/Reichsarmee will be more reluctant to advance into the theater....might move north into Hanover or not move at all.

SAXON AUXILLARIES OOB: Sometime in August 1758 (when will be decided by political factors and dice roll) the following units can join either the French and/or Austrian armies (also decided by dice rolls) 10 inf. regts., 20 bns,. 5 cav. regts. 20 sqns., 6 12lber guns.
Totals = 1200 inf., 240 cav. 6 12lber/48 artillerymen (12 real 12lbers) = 1,488 figures(14,880 real men)

RUSSIAN OOB:  Unknown...until they arrive on Prussian frontier. But could be as high as 10,000+ figures. The most important factors deciding "when", "how many" and even "if" the Russians will participate in the 1757 Campaign will be determined by the following:

1). The health of Czarina Elizabeth -bad or failing health and Russians will fail to advance with any vigor!
2). The ability of Austrians to send supplies to Russians. No supplies, no or slow advance.
3. Success or lack of by the Austrians/and or French in campaigning against Prussians..... Russians would be wise to not "board" a sinking ship!

Start of Campaign Season: Prussians = 12,392 figures, Allies = 21,660 figures w/Russians =32,000 figures.

 Command and Control Issues:
In our rules command and control are important issues and are decided by the historical ranking of particular leaders and their performances over the course of battles in which they participated...thus it may go "up" or "down" depending on the results. For instance: Prussian  G.L. Bevern has 3 victories and 1 terrible defeat. His historical rating started as a "9"... went up to a "11" with the victories and has since gone down to an "8" with the big loss! So he is now rated average which means he can increase the rating of a unit he "leads" by +1, but can not increase other units within 12 inches....
a leader with "9" could. Leaders below an "8" have a -1 effect on all units within 12 inches.

Also, Prussians have had 6 generals, historically rated "9" and above, killed in combat during the first campaign season. They were:  Schwerin, von Winterfeldt, Manstein, von Kleist, Manteuffel, and Hulsen. That leaves but 10 Prussian generals rated as "9" and above!

The Austrians currently have 9 generals rated "9" and above. These include FM Browne(11), FM Daun(11), FML Drazkovich (9),  FML Esterhazy v. Galàntha  (9), FML Hadik (10), FM Königsegg (9), FML Lacy (10),  FML Laudon (9), and FML  Piccolomini(9).

Remember "All Generals" are eligible to move "up or "down" depending on their performance.
At the start of the "1757 Campaign Season" the Russians, French, Reichsarmee, and Saxons have no generals rated "9" and above.

In the following pictures are maps of the initial campaign areas:
All maps are from "The Campaigns of Frederick the Great" boardgame ...Game Design: Robert Markham, Map Graphics: Mark Simonitch, 1993, 3W Inc. Cambria, CA.

                                                             1 Hex equals 18 miles!
The following maps depict the area before deployments at the start of campaigning:
                                         First map is Prussian/Silesian/ Bohemia area:
Second map shows French and Reichsarmee initial deployment.
 1 Hex equals 18 miles!
This is a close up of Silesian fortress and cities the Austrians need to capture in order to "reclaim" Silesia! The main Austrian efforts will come from Koniggratz, Olmutz, and Brunn
1 Hex equals 18 miles
This map depicts where the Prussians will campaign in an effort to capture Prague!
Frederick, Keith and Prinz Henry will attempt to converge on Prague.
1 Hex equals 18 miles!.
In 1756 the King tried in every battle to destroy the Austrians and "knock them" out of the war, but failed. He even risked high casualties attacking Austrian redoubts being served with artillery and infantry. Even when he succeeded in taking these fortifications and capturing the guns....the remaining Austrians simply retired from the field. It was not surprising that the Austrians realized that "time" was their best ally and "wearing down" the Prussians while waiting for their allies to become engaged was a "winning strategy"!
 But by being so aggressive the King was able to capture Dresden and  all of its wealth which helped  to finance the continuing war, and he thought it put him in a better strategic position for the next campaign.
  For the 1757 campaign the King has determined to use a "central position" strategy. One in which he and his armies are positioned on a line just west of Dresden and east to the fortresses of Silesia.  He planned that this would allow him to respond to any threat without being "to far removed" from coordinating the movements of the other Corps. He told his key Generals that there was just too few troops to cover the entire map area. And if he tried to invade  Austria "prime"....the Austrians could withdraw into the interior and "starve his army"! Also of prime consideration was the security of Silesia....after all this "was"  the main cause of the war.
His exact words to Keith, Bevern, and Prinz Henri were... "let the Allies destroy their armies with constant marching, meager supplies, depleted ranks...we will have the interior lines and can meet them when and where it is to our advantage"! This strategy also allowed Frederick to take advantage
of one of his key principles of war:
" Concentration of Force"


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Battle of Trutnov - Austrian Victory

Battle of Trutnov - Austrian Victory- " Divide To Conquer"

December 12, 1756:

 The Prussians have won 5 battles in a row and the Austrians are desperate to show at least some ability to defeat Prussians....."any Prussians"! So Daun and Lacy devised a scheme in which they would use a "divide to conquer strategy" (march divided/ fight united) in order to beat the Prussians. Since all the other Prussian armies had already retired to fortified camps in which to "winter", there was but one target.... Lt. General Bevern and his command. Bevern was marching rather leisurely towards his assigned winter quarters near Legnica, Silesia. Bevern was unaware that Austrian forces had forced march to the town of Trutnov...a town in front of the main mountain pass in this area between Bohemia to Silesia. The Austrians had also placed a combined force of cavalry and infantry to follow closely behind Bevern. So the Prussians had Austrians blocking their "escape" to Silesia and "pressuring their rear". His only hope was to drive thru the Austrians at Trutnov before he was taken in the rear!

Lt. Gen Bevern's Command:
6 infantry regts.12 bns., 8 Grenadier bns. total = 1380 figures (13800 men)
3 cavalry regts., 2 hussar, & 1 dragoon regt. = 340 figures (3400 men)
 NOTE: After the battle of Trzebesch Frederick ordered 1 dragoon and the 2 Kurassier regts. detached and sent directly north to Saxony! So Bevern no longer has these "battle cavalry" to command!
8- 12 lbers guns
Total of  1752 figures or (17520 men)

Daun's Command: (In Pursuit of Bevern)
10 infantry regts., 20 bns., 10 Grenadier cos.  total = 1680 figures (16800 men)
4 cavalry regts., 2 hussar, & 2 dragoon regt. = 256 figures (2560 men)
10- 12 lbers guns
Total of  1980 figures or (19800 men)

Lacy's Command: (Deployed in and around Trutnov)
6 infantry regts., 12 bns., 6 Grenadier cos.  total = 1008 figures (10800 men)
4 Grenz regts, , 8 bns. total = 800 figures (8000 men)
3 cavalry regts.,2 hussar, & 1 dragoon regt. = 208 figures (2080 men)
6- 12 lbers guns
Total of  2016 figures (20160 men)

Grand Total = 3996 figures (39660 men)

SO AUSTRIANS OUTNUMBER PRUSSIANS: by more than 2 to 1!  But remember the Austrians are split up and Daun's command will be the last to arrive on battlefield!

Below are a few shots of the battlefield:

This battle and it's result demonstrates why I prefer campaigning as opposed to re-fighting historical battles. Bevern was in this position because Frederick had issued orders to position all his armies in preparation for an "early" spring campaign in 1757. Otherwise his armies would not have been so spread out. Also, the Austrians were "wintering" in fortresses/camps where they could intercept a large Prussian concentration in Bohemia.... especially against Prague. The strategic situation forced  Frederick to be "the early aggressor" in 1757. If he didn't the Allies could coordinate their attack..... and "surrounded him" . At that point he would be outnumbered more than 3 to 1"!

I don't know of many gamers that want to fight at 3 to 1 odds! Even in a completely historical game!

Below are pictures of the initial deployment for both sides.

                              Austrian cavalry on left flank....protecting Gen. Daun's arrival.
Prussians marching on to the field. 3 Hussar battalions followed by Grenadier Brigade.

Austrian deployment...cavalry on left, infantry on right  and Grenz in the town.
Austrian right flank...6 infantry regts. 6 -12 lber guns and Grenz targeting the woods.
                                  Prussians marching in...Bevern is with the head of column.
The town of Trutnov. Grenz spread out along the "approaches"
                                   Austrian center.. 6 infantry regts. 6 guns.

Please note that the Austrians under Lacy have a somewhat unique deployment. All their line infantry (6 regiments) are deployed on their right (Prussian left) on a set of 2 hills with all their artillery in the middle of their line. Unseen by the Prussians are 2 battalions of Grenz on the reverse sloop. The Austrians have told this chronicler that these Grenz have orders to advance into the woods to their front and harass the Prussian flank.

On the far left (Prussian right) is a large group of Austrian cavalry (3 regts) deployed on hills directly to the left of the town of Trutnov, and almost at right angles to the Austrian infantry line. This chronicler has been told that the Austrian reasoning was threefold:

1), They want the Prussians to have to deploy immediately after leaving their "march route" and then face the 2 different directions. Also Prussian deployment will be restricted and any battle line will probably not be in the usual double line!

2). In order for the Prussians to continue their march through Trutnov they will have to clear both of these flanks first!

3). Unknown to the Prussians, 1/2 of  Daun's command is advancing on the road fronted by the Austrian cavalry. Only the other half is actually following Bevern on the other road. If the Austrians are successful in keeping this road open....... a sizeable force of Austrians can come in on the Prussian right flank.

Therefore, the Prussians will have Austrians on both flanks, their front and rear!

 Enjoy the battle! I doubt the Prussians will!

 The Prussians finally get all their infantry and guns on the field and march towards the Austrian infantry on their left.
All the Prussian cavalry is deployed on their right opposite "all" the Austrian cavalry...but the Prussian need to "dress those lines first"
The Austrian guns have "played hell" with the Prussian Grenadiers... who fail to advance (red rubber bands)
The Austrian artillery will now try to blast the Prussian guns!
The battle is now 1 1/2 hours old (6 turns). The Prussian infantry are sill trying to get into position to attack the Austrian infantry. Notice that Prussian Grenadier brigade is moving into the woods in order to rest and reform....what happens when Grenz move into woods?
Austrians (artillery actually) continue to pound Prussians.
The big cavalry charge! Notice how the Prussians were able to flank and take the Austrians in the rear. On a wargamer note!....the Prussian players actually practice such maneuvers on the table top....while eating BBQ, or Chinese /Mexican food.  That may be why they are beating the Austrians so much about using having the "eye" for terrain, distances, and timing in the turn....changing formation, direction, etc.
Different view of cavalry charge!
Note! Prussian Grenadiers moving into the woods!
The cavalry battle is over! Or not! ... as 2 Austrian cavalry regts. passed morale.....
they rolled "snake eyes"! Unfortunately that just means they must fight another round of melee!
Grenz "finally" move into woods!
View of Prussian Grenadiers...can they reform in time to face Grenz?
Melee continues!
Prussian infantry is "finally" in position!
The Prussians won the melee but instead of following up they stopped to reform....which will take 2 turns....unless they must check morale in those  2 turns....and "fail"!
 Here is a photo of routing/retreating Austrian cavalry. In 2 turns Daun's Austrians will start arriving!
This is the Prussian 2nd Dragoons..... the only "formed" body of cavalry on the field.
And the battle continues. BOY! What will happen when Daun starts "showing up"!
The Prussians start realigning their lines. Even though they are placing their "backs" to the soon arriving Daun's command!
The Prussian cavalry "appear" to be preparing for a "CHARGE"!
It will be another 3 turns before these Austrians can "try" to get into the fight!
We use the small dice to keep track of such things.
So what are these cavalry going to do??
The Austrians redeploy their "combined" Grenadier companies to cover their flank!
Daun's pursuing forces start to appear in the Prussian left rear!
Led by the 1st Hussars and 2 infantry regts.
The Prussian 2nd Dragoons and 5th Hussars charge the Austrian Combined Grenadier companies and infantry bns. stationed on the hill. The Austrians were at a disadvantage because their units were caught moving when charged and did not get a full volley off!
Also some of the infantry's fire hit their own Grenadiers!
Also note! The Prussians are feverishly marching for the "gap" between the Austrian position on the hill and the Grenz in the town.....Is that a "gap" or a "noose"? 
Another close-up of the cav/inf. melee! Note Grenadiers have "yellow" rubber bands and their infantry "red". Also both Prussian cavalry regts. have "red". It appears that Prussians will be retiring as will the Austrians...but Grenadiers will... ROUT!
Now that "Noose" may well be a "Gap"! But for how long?
Daun's other command start to appear... 1 Hussar(#8) and 1 Dragoon(#3) regt. and 2 more infantry regts. Unfortunately the "defeated" Austrian cavalry "failed" another morale test and probably will not get back into the fight today!
It is now turn 16 (4 hours). And given that this battle took place in December in the Bohemian
"highlands" were are beginning to run out of daylight...probably only 4-6 more turns! 
And the Austrian cavalry "still" can't rally! What a disappointment!
Daun's troops continue to advance. He doesn't appear to want to close! Instead "pushing" the Prussians ahead!
I think this photo illustrates the "why". ...troops that are "forced" into a compact area find it difficult to fight! The Prussians no longer look "organized"
 Look at the Prussian artillery...they are all "down" crew, horses, etc. And are only moving at 1/4 speed...that is why all their artillery were "lost"!
More evidence of Daun's advance in the center/left flank.
What a "traffic jam"! None of these troops could deploy...if they had to!
Austrian artillery continues to pour fire into flank of the dense Prussian columns.
More Austrians continue march on...right flank.
Final shot of the battle.... the Prussians are escaping... but disordered, confused, and under constant threat... there will be many more desertions than deaths!
Butcher's Bill  :
 Prussian Losses:
       Infantry - 587 figures (5870 men) 42% (includes stragglers)
     Cavalry - 66 figures (660 men) 20% (includes stragglers)
                                       Artillery - all their guns were loss...unable to withdraw...".due to congestion" and issues with transport
 TOTAL LOSSES= 685 figures (6850 men) & 8 guns (40%)
Austrian Losses:
                               Infantry - 110 figures (1100 men) 4% (very few stragglers)
                       Cavalry - 86 figures (860 men) 19% (some stragglers)
Artillery - only 3 guns lost...with crews
 TOTAL LOSSES= 208 figures (2080 men) & 3 guns (5%)
CONGRATULATIONS to Austrian Generals:
FML Count Daun C-in-C
General Lacy - Chief of Staff
General Esterhazy Cavalry commander - wounded but continued "in the saddle" leading his troops! 
Special Note: The Austrian Generals have received numerous rewards as a result of this victory!
And the Allies have "promised" new aid (money, men, supplies, etc.) In particular the Russians have committed to send 100,000 Cossacks to destroy Prussia!....
Oh Lord! Please protect me from my Russian Allies!
On the Prussian "side": Frederick has informed Bevern that he is under "house arrest" until the campaign season "starts"...and that Bevern must also reimburse the "crown" for the casting of replacement cannon!
Spring Campaigning is but 4 months away....after I finish painting an additional 2,000+ French infantry figures........I do love the "SWISS"
"Reding Regt."
5 more Swiss regts. to paint before the" spring campaign".