Below is my Russian Army. It is only my opinion but I find this period of the Russians to have the best uniforms in both the infantry and cavalry. To wit, the infantry has grenadier caps, distinctive collars and shoulder patches with unique color patterns based on inspection. And the cavalry also very distinctive...especially the hussars.
Also as a War gamer I appreciate that the infantry regiments are 3 battalions strong (216 figures) and the hussars are 10 sqds (100-120 figures). My Russian Army has the following forces:
Infantry: 38 Musketeer regts., 10 Grenadier regts,. 11 Jager regts,. 4 Guard regts,.=13,212 figures
Cavalry: 5 Kurassier regts., 12 Dragoon regts., 6 Hussar regts., 3 Uhlan regts.,
12 Cossack regts, = 2,580 figures
Artillery: 53 batteries, including limber, teams etc. = 3,212 figures
Total 19,004 figures
The photos were taken 3 years ago and have not been updated with the if you count all the figures in the photos you will find that there are only 17,000+ figures.......I never stop painting!
Plan to die with a "wet brush" in my right hand and dice roll of "snake eyes" in my left!
Enjoy the photos....especially the variety of facings, colors!
P.S. Facings and flags were researched by Russian re-enactors and a good friend who served in modern Russian Army before immigrating to TEXAS!...he hates our summers!
Russian Garde Infantry Regts.
8th & 9th Divisions
3rd & 4th Divisions ("I" had to put flag in picture.)
Long shot of the figures
Divisional shot of their cavalry (and my granddaughter who already will tell you...."Don't touch PaPa's soldiers)
Pictures of most of artillery batteries and limbers
Another shot of some of artillery
1st divisions and horse artillery
Center divisions and more artillery
2nd division
5th division (Kiev grenadiers in front rank)
Guard Cavalry
Another division (honestly can't tell which)
Looks like 8th div, in front, Guard in rear.
9th & 10th Divisions
Last of divisions
"Tail end" of infantry and another shot of artillery
Next are the Austrians: About 6,600 figures
In 15 infantry regts. 1 grenz, 9 grenadier bns, 10 cav regts, and artillery
Below infantry
Cavalry regts.
More infantry
Austrian artillery
Another shot of cavalry
More infantry
Grenadier bns.
Cavalry again
And that's my Russian and Austrian armies
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