Monday, October 16, 2017

Battle of Plotistie -Czech

After Frederick's marginal victory at the Battle of Sterboholy the Austrians were desperate to achieve a victory as soon as possible- or possibly lose their already "lukewarm allies" participation in the war! Therefore, Prince Charles was "ordered" to attack  Field-Marshal Keith, who was currently before Koniggratz near the small village of Plotistie.

Keith had picked a good position on high ground with both flanks covered by heavy woods. Prince Charles aided by Marshal Daun was determined to attack "head-on" with "superior" forces. Or so he thought. What he did not know was Lieutenant General Bevern, under Frederick's orders, had sent Keith reinforcements. In fact Keith now had superior cavalry forces compared to the Prince.

This lack of intelligence was to plague the Austrians throughout the 1756 campaign season. Primarily, because the Austrian/Hungarian hussars were not fully mobilized and "prepared for war"!
Also, in this immediate area there was only 1 Grenz regiment available to Prince Charles' command. There were 4 more Grenz in the area, but this chronicler does not have information on their "assignment"/instructions"! (I asked but my Austrian opponent was not talking)

Prussian OOB: 25,8000 men (2580 figures);
 3 Kurassier Regts, 3 Dragoon Regts (the 5th & 6th were 10 sqds. each), 3 Hussar regiments of 10 sqds. each. Total= 70 sqds.,  10,800 men (1080 figures)
 20 Bns of infantry, 15,000 men (1500 figures)
 12- 12lb model cannon (24 actual 12 lbers) 48 gunners

Austrian OOB: 29,540 men (2,954 figures);
 4 Kurassier Regts, 3 Dragoon Regts,  4 hussar Regts.44 sqds.,  total =7,040 cavalry (704 figures)
30 Bns of infantry, 22,500 men (2,250 figures)
16- 12lb model cannon (32 actual 12 lbers) 64 gunners

This meant that Keith had a sizeable advantage in cavalry....and what's more he knew it!
And as the Prussian's were very aggressive with their Hussar screen Prince Charles and Daun were unable to adequately reconnoiter the Prussian positions. There only plan was to attack...."straight ahead with the entire "Army"!

Keith and his Prussians deployed their infantry and artillery on several hills in the center of their line. And put 5,000+ (540 figures) cavalry on each flank with half of each hidden from Austrian view.

It was a classic trap...worthy of Hannibal!!
Below is the initial dispositions of both armies.

Prussian line with cavalry "out of sight" of Austrians.

Austrian right flank with the majority of their cavalry with orders to advance and attack Prussian left flank infantry!
Close up of Austrian right flank.
Would they have attacked if they had known that they were facing that many Prussians??
Below is the Austrian center and behind it is another infantry division "off the field" in "reserve"
Austrian left flank...smallest and weakest point in the Austrian line. The Grenz served them well and were never to be driven out of the woods...but were there better places for them to be?? What If" What could have been? Is that not why we must play the game and roll the dice? "B.S.".. just play the GAME!

Opposing the Austrians on this flank are some of the best cavalry units in the Prussian army. Their commander, major-general Georg Philipp Gottlob baron von Schönaich, has deftly concealed their superior numbers! BOY! Will the Austrians be surprised? Or should I say "terrified"!

Below is the Prussian center...infantry with 12 lb. gun batteries in support.
The Prussian center and left flank.
Below is Prussian left flank cavalry...most of which is hidden behind "slopes"!

Final picture before the battle begins is that of the Grenz regt. in the woods. They have "hold" orders and receive no "updated" orders throughout the battle.

The first "battle turn" sees both sides maneuver their cavalry for the "Winning Charge"!
This is on Austrian right flank.
Prussians counter with their superior numbers, Why did Austrians leave 2 regiments in "reserve"?
Austrian right flank "charge"!
Prussians "mass" for charge!
Prussian right flank maneuver for charge while both sides receive 12 lb. artillery fire. Prussians pass morale tests. But the Austrian Archduke Joseph Dr. 1 fail and "say goodbye for the day". They rout off the field and were last seen in pursuit of the "ladies of Koniggratz"
Archduke Joseph Dr. 1 is "green" dragoon regt. on right flank nearest infantry. As the "open flank" this was the critical position in Austrian line of attack. The Austrian cavalry were now "doomed"!
On the Austrian right/Prussian left the cavalry have both charged, passed morale checks, and are locked in combat. Notice that the Austrians left 2 complete cavalry regts as a second line "reserve". While Prussians only held 4 sqds, in reserve. Therefore in the initial melee "the numbers" were to the Prussian's advantage
Another view of charge...look at the difference in the number of cavalry engaged...PRUSSIAN ADVANTAGE!
If I had been an Austrian colonel...I sure wish those other 2 Austrian Kurassier regts. had charged or at least protected our flank!
On the Prussian right the heavily outnumbered and outclassed Austrians (Kurassiers vs light)
are "swarmed" by Prussian "elites". Notice Archduke Joseph Dr.1 has not even made it off the field....why didn't one of the Austrian commanders rush over to rally them....or was he afraid that he might "join them"!
Notice that the Austrian Hussars have been taken in the flank by a Prussian sqd. In our rules for flank attacks it must be a viable unit...not just a few figures.
Although heavily overmatched the Austrian cavalry on their right continue to fight.
                                           On the Austrian left.  Fight on.....but for how long??
Are the right flank Austrians also doomed?? They are outnumbered and outflanked...two serious morale..."downers"!
The Austrian initial chargers finally break and begin to rout. The 2 reserve Kurassiers rush in to fill the break. Is it too little too late!
The Austrians hold at first but are once again flanked by overwhelming numbers.
The Austrian rout grows...but their infantry's morale is not effected! Or is it,,, "not infected"?
Rout continues.
On the Prussian right it is all "over"...all the Austrian cavalry have routed and will not stop until they reach Koniggratz!. But on a good note the Austrian artillery has forced the victorious Prussian cavalry to retire in disorder. And they must now reorder and rest for at least 4 turns.
The remaining Austrian cavalry on their right flank finally succumb to overwhelming numbers and rout. However, because they had reserves on this flank they were able to eventually wear down the Prussians...who are now completely "blown" and will not useful for at least 5 turns!
Five Austrian regts still in rout at the end. Although his infantry are still good...Prince Charles' cavalry are destroyed!

The Prussian right flank cavalry are recovering...will there be a pursuit??
I think not...this is the only cavalry not "damaged" in this theater!
                                        Austrian cavalry "butcher bill"! These are dead or "lost"


                            Total losses for the Battle of  Plotistie:

                             Prussian: Infantry: 168 figures (1680 men) all losses due to artillery.
                                             Cavalry: 264 figures (2640 men) 20% can be recovered
                                             No artillery losses
                                             Total= 432 figures (4320 men) 17%

                            Austrian: Infantry: 142 figures (1420 men) all losses due to artillery.
                                             Cavalry: 404 figures (4040 men) 10% can be recovered
                                             No artillery losses
                                             Total= 546 figures (5460 men) 18.5%

Losses were very close but this was a major campaign victory for Keith and the Prussians. The Austrians were already weak in cavalry and now they have much less.

The next big question is...."What will Frederick do with this advantage......move on Prague or Koniggratz???

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