Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Battle of Trzebesch - Bohemia: Bloody Battle/No Decision

The 1756 Campaigning Season was drawing to an end. Although there had been 4 battles of note....none had provided a result that satisfied either of the combatants.

The Austrians were desperate for a win that would "demonstrate" their ability to beat Frederick and the Prussians. While the Prussians had been unable to "knock" the Austrians out of the war....for now!

So the Austrians "stripped" troops from several outlying posts and brought up troops which should have still been "in training" at their depots. Drastic times require drastic measures. These unseasoned troops would not fare well in the coming struggle. With these "herculean efforts" Daun was able to raise an Army of the following troops:

Austrians: Infantry - 12 regts, 24 bns.  2016 figures (20160 men) (1/3 of force were "raw")
                 Cavalry - 8 regts. 48 sqds,  640 figures (6400 men) (1/4 of force were "raw")
                 Artillery - 24 12lb guns (48 "actual" 12lbers.), 96 "gunners" (all veterans)
                 Totals- 2752 figures (27520 men)

The Prussians had done almost nothing in the form of campaigning since their victory at Srnojedy.
Frederick & Keith remained before Prague...awaiting a siege train and additional supplies for a siege.
Prinz Henri remained in Saxony... trying to take Dresden and knock the Saxons out of the war.
Bevern had returned to a position south of Koniggratz near the small village of  Trzebesch...where  he could block the Austrians under General Königsegg. Who seemed content to set out the rest of the season. Bevern now had the following troops:

Prussians: Infantry - 8 regts, 20 bns.  1440 figures (14400 men) (all veterans)
                 Cavalry - 6 regts. 44 sqds,  560 figures (5600 men) (all veterans)
                 Artillery - 13 12lb guns (26 "actual" 12lbers.), 52 "gunners"
                 Totals- 2052 figures (20520 men)
                  Note: Because Generals Schwerin, von Winterfeldt, & Manteuffel had been killed 3 new generals had been assigned to Bevern's command...Hulsen, Manstein and von Kleist. Once again Bevern assigned them to very important "forward commands!
 Austrian spies and the "loyal" townsfolk had passed some information about Bevern's position on to Daun. What they did not tell Daun was that Bevern had "fortified" his position with redoubts and that the position would be very difficult to "turn"! Even so with this "surprise" waiting for Daun he still would have an almost 3 to 2 advantage in numbers! And almost twice as much artillery!
At this point in the narrative it is important to point out that Daun had received the following "orders" from the court in Vienna..... Attack! The "cause" and the "Alliance" are dependent upon you attacking the Prussians wherever you can find them! We "must" show that "Austrian Arms" are not afraid to fight this minor "Protestant" King!

So on November 26, 1756 the Austrians attacked the Prussians at Trzebesch Bohemian, The narrative of that battle now begins!

                                         The initial Austrian deployment. Both flanks are covered by their
   cavalry, a village and woods!
Austrian right flank with "raw" Kurassiers deployed!
Austrian left flank with Hussars and Dragoons deployed...woods on their flank...restricting Maneuver!
Austrian "center" with their troops opposite of  the Prussian redoubts and artillery.
                  Another view of what the Austrians were the way of Prussian defenses!
Prussian "view" of Austrian forces.
Prussian right flank cavalry... including 2 Kurassier regts. and hussars
And Prussian left flank cavalry including 2 Dragoon regts and the Reusch Hussars!
In the first few minutes of the battle being joined a very heavy artillery bombardment commenced. With the "raw" Austrian infantry already failing several morale checks...and retiring!
                           Almost immediately 2 Austrian batteries are "shot up" and forced to retire. Some of the Prussian artillery started their firing by  "concentrating" on the guns instead of the infantry. This took these batteries out of action for most of the battle.

                          The Austrian left flank artillery starts to punish the Prussian defenses!
                            But the Prussians are taking causalities, as evidenced by the markers.
                                         In fact 2  regts can not advance and are disordered!
STILL! The Austrian show determination and continue to advance on the Prussian positions!
Austrian left flank had more of the "veterans" and it showed in their performance!
The Prussian left flank cavalry are about to be charged by the Austrians! Seasoned, veteran Prussians against "untested" Austrians!
Austrian "raw" infantry continue to take a "beating"!
What a mess! 7 battalions temporally out of commission!
And the Austrian/Prussian cavalry "both" charge home! Now it will be about training, experience and leadership! The Prussians are led by Gen. Normann...inhaber of the 1st Dragoons and one of Fredericks best! Lets hope that Bevern doesn't get him "killed"...too!
The Reusch Hussars charge with the Dragoons but their 2nd battalion charges the Austrian infantry and fails to close. At least some of Austrians are veterans!
On the opposite flank the Austrian hussars and dragoons charge the Prussian Kurassiers! I doubt this will end well for the Austrian cavalry had already been shot up by Prussian artillery prior to charging!
The Austrians rout! On both flanks!
The "Left" (notice yellow rubber bands!
The "Right" flank cavalry also rout.
Notice! Archduke Joseph Dragoons (No1, green jackets) got too close to Prussian artillery and are "destroyed" 
Austrian infantry continue to get "hammered" by Prussian guns!
Austrian  right wing cavalry "rout" off the field. Maybe they can now get some training!
And...the Austrian  left wing also "rout" off the field!
But still Daun and the Austrian continue to advance! If I was the French and Russians I would be impressed by their resolve! But the Saxons have to wonder....where is their relief!!
Even attacking redoubts!
A terrible "firefight" ensues....this was between "veterans"... no raw recruits in this!
"Taking redoubts is not easy"!
Austrians begin to rout! Prussians "do not" follow up...too exhausted!
Both sides are "bloodied"! And will not be fit again...this season!
Look at the  causalities!!
Very intense!
More shots of carnage!
View from Austrian "line".
As a result of the firefights the Austrians start retiring and the Prussians make "no effort" to interrupt them!
The Butcher's Bill is:
 Infantry:  2360 dead/wounded (236 figures), 2,010 missing (201 figures
Cavalry: 1510 dead wounded (151 figures),  1100 missing (110 figures)
Gunners - 24 figures
3 generals dead
Totals = 7220 (722 figures) (26%)
Infantry:  2310 dead/wounded (231 figures), 450 missing (45 figures)
Cavalry: 980 dead wounded (98 figures),  200 missing (20 figures)
Gunners - 8 figures
3 generals dead (YES!AGAIN! this time... Hulsen, Manstein, & von Kleist)
Totals = 4020  (402 figures) (19%) 

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