Monday, January 8, 2018

Prussian "Hussar Regts. Review" for the King

Currently in winter quarters....and preparing for a new campaign season in the spring. The King decides to have a "formal review" of his Hussar regts. outside of the Silesian village of Leuthen.

All eight regts. are there, including the 3 regiments that took no active part in the 1756 campaign.
The King conducts the review himself and can be seen riding in the front with various other Generals behind him.

                                     The King and staff are on the far right...beginning their "review". Note! That the King is in front, with his brother Henri on his left,  Zieten to his right followed by Seydlitz directly to his rear....the rest of staff includes Gens Keith, Normann, Werner, Lentulus, and several other senior cavalry generals.

The following is a picture of the 8 Hussar regts. Each one is made up of 10 sqds. numbered 1 to 10 from right to left.
This picture is a "close-up" of the Gens conducting the review.
All 8 regts from the "front". One reason for the review is the "practice" of maneuvering large bodies of troops in mass. The regts are positioned in Regt. number 1 to 8.
This shot illustrates the regts. 3,7, and 8 did not take part in the 1756 campaign and therefore are at "full strength"!
Another close-up highlighting the 8th of my personal favorites!
In a couple of weeks there will be additional reviews for the Kurassier and Dragoon regts. These reviews will be much more involved because there will be a total of 25 regts. participating.
There are no reviews planned for the infantry.

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