Thursday, September 21, 2017

1805-1807 French Army

You have seen them in several battles on this blog. I thought you might like a few close-ups of the French. All figures are 6mm Adler.
Thanks for looking.
                                     Here is the Reserve Cavalry Corps in their storage container.

And here they all their "magnificence"!

                                            Different view of the Reserve Corps!
My "favorite division"...Cuirassiers & Carabiniers of the 1st Hvy. Cav. Div.
Have never failed to charge home! far!

Now for some photos of the "entire" 1805-1807  French Army. Unfortunately...way too much trouble to take them out of containers. But you can still see each unit. Can you guess how many figures?? No prize, but it is challenging...remember to count each "model".
                                                            Bernadotte's  I Corps

 Another "deployed" view of I Corps
                                                        III Corps Davout's "X Legion"

III Corps "deployed"
Soult's VI Corps (biggest Corps)
IV Corps (deployed)
Lannes' V Corps (another Corps that has never failed me)
Ney's VI Corps (minus 1st to I Corps)
                                                       VII Corps

Reserve Cavalry Corps
Reserve Cavalry Corps contd.
 Artillery limbers and some independent cavalry regts.
More limbers
 A shot of all the French!
1st Division I Corps and Oudinot's "grenadier division "not in pictures....
simply put... I forgot them! Storage is an issue for this and all the other figures. Also, don't forget ...aging!  Yall are lucky I could remember all these!
NO GUARD in pictures! They are still with Napoleon in Warsaw....
Being "entertained".
                       Next Time: photos of all the Russians and Austrians in the 1805-1807 campaign!

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