Sunday, July 8, 2018

Battle of Rasosky: Classic 1757 Deployment

After the disastrous cavalry battle at Skalice, The Austrians withdrew a few miles closer to Koniggratz and redeployed for battle near the village of Rasosky. After receiving new orders from the "King" the Prussians under Bevern waited a few days before following up. It became quite clear that the "King" had rebuked Bevern and had ordered him to attack the Austrians immediately!

The two armies now contained the following troops:
Austrian Serbelleni Corps: 12 infantry bns, 6 Grenadier cos, 2 Grenz regts. , 2 Kur. regts, 2 Dr. regts, 2 Hus. regts. and 7 12lb gun models. Totals= 1408 infantry figures, 316 cavalry figures, 712lb gun models/ 28 artillerymen
Total =  1752 figures (17520 real men)

Bevern's Command :
8 Infantry regts.,4 Grenadier bns., 2 Kur., regts, 2 Dr. regts, 1 Hus. regts, & 8 12lb gun models. Totals =1,280 infantry figures, 368 cavalry figures and 8 12lbers/ artillerymen=32, Totals= 1,680 figures ( 16800 "real men").

Essentially they were equal in numbers, but both armies' cavalry had suffered terribly in the Battle of Skalice!

They met for battle outside of the small village of Rasosky on the road to Koniggratz!
Below is a "modern" map of Rasosky. During the period it was even smaller.
On the left is the Elbe River which is passable only at bridges or if a pontoon bridge is built....which neither side has!

Initial Deployments:
Austrian right flank/Prussian left flank. Both deploy cavalry in the traditional fashion of the period. Also note Austrians have deployed 2,000 Grenz (200 figures) in the woods.
The Austrian center rests on a hill and are in a 2 deep line.
The Austrian left is anchored by 3 cavalry regts., 4 Grenadier companies and another 2,000 (200 figures) Grenz in the woods.
This is a shot of the entire Austrian battle line. A very traditional deployment.
Completely different than their deployment for the battle of Skalice. 
The Prussian far left deployment.
Shot of left flank of Prussian cavalry.
The Prussian 1st and 2nd "battle lines" with Grenadier battalions on the wings.
Continuation of Prussian battle line.
Next we have the Prussian far right flank with the rest of their cavalry.
And the Prussian "complete" battle line!
The battle began on the Prussian left flank with the advance of their cavalry. But will they charge? The Prussian 2nd Kurassiers and 1st battalion of 3rd Hussars are in this group....and they both routed in the battle of Skalice.

Opposing them are the Austrian Nadasdy Hussars... the only "true" victors of the cavalry clashes in the Battle of Skalice. But they are now brigaded with two of the regts. that routed off the field in that same battle! Also, General Nadasdy is leading this wing.
Below: Austrian left flank cavalry. Two of their regts routed off the field at the battle of Skalice and the Grenz Hussar regt. Slavoisches are not normally used as "battle cavalry", instead they are for  "kleine krieg"! So the Austrian are at a serious disadvantage facing "superior" Prussian cavalry that have no routs in their history!
Below is the Austrian "battle line"!
The Prussian artillery opened the game by firing on the Austrian left flank cavalry. Already at a disadvantage the cavalry took serious causalities and failed their morale check. And are disordered and will not be able to charge ...for now!
Besides inflicting damage to the Austrian cavalry, the Prussian artillery heavily damage 2 battalions of  Austrian infantry and forced them to "retreat" (yellow rubber band)!
But the Austrian artillery also was on target and inflicted serious damage to the Prussian left flank cavalry.
The Prussian infantry battle line was also receiving heavy fire from the Austrian artillery.
Due to heavy causalities from the Prussian fire the Austrian left flank cavalry "rolls" "Do Not Advance" on their morale check. This will also disorder all 3 regts. . At this point they probably should retire from the field and try to regain "good morale" off the table!
Prussian artillery continues to pummel the Austrian left flank. First disordering the cavalry and now forcing an Austrian infantry regt. to "retire"!
But it is not an one-sided exchange! The Austrians continue to "shoot-up" the Prussians!
The question is..." whose cavalry will charge and can the Prussians continue to close with the Austrian battle line?
Below is a "shot" of the Prussian battle line. Can they continue to advance?
The Austrians are dismayed to see that their left flank cavalry has not only failed to advance, but has "retired"!
Austrian and Prussian cavalry face each other....but only the Prussians can charge. The Austrians probably should have "voluntarily" retired off the table!
The Austrian infantry continue to suffer heavy causalities from the Prussian guns.
Next the Austrian right and Prussian left flank cavalry  prepare to charge! At least they waited until the six turn (1 1/2 hours) in to the battle.
Meanwhile the Austrian artillery "rakes" the Prussian battle line! I wonder if the "King" had this in mind when he told Bevern to attack... regardless of losses!
The cavalry are finally ready to charge! The Austrians are at a huge disadvantage...
Why Charge if you can't win??
This is the Austrian left flank/Prussian right flank cavalry charge! Not only are Austrian disordered but the Prussians overlap their line.
The Austrian infantry on this flank start to maneuver to protect against "victorious" Prussian cavalry!
One reason the Austrians were able to respond to the changing situation was that their generals had "interior lines" and were not in "harm's way" most of the battle!
The " cavalry" situation continues to deteriorate on the Austrian left flank.
And then it gets worse for the Austrians. On their right flank their cavalry fail to close and become disordered. It was probably unwise not to rest the routed/defeated cavalry from the battle of Skalice. Perhaps that is why "the King" was so emphatic that Bevern attack immediately!
Eventually all the left flank Austrian cavalry begin to rout!
Notice left flank Austrian cavalry are routing but for the time being the victorious  Prussian cavalry are disordered and can not advance.
The situation on the Austrian left flank is serious! But the Austrian infantry battle line is still holding!
The Austrian center continues to hold and "shoot" lots of Prussians!
Just when you think the Austrian right flank cavalry might stop the Prussians...General Nadasdy is wounded and their cavalry ...ROUT! Nadasdy was a plus 2 to Austrian morale, but when wounded he became a minus 1!
Fortunately for the Austrians the Prussian left flank cavalry, although victorious,
roll "do not advance on their morale check and are disordered!
As of turn 8 (end of 2nd hour of battle) both wings of Austrian cavalry have routed, but luckily the Prussians can not follow up or charge the Austrian infantry battle line.
Below is "status shot" of the battle in the center.
Now the Prussians decide to limber up their artillery and move it closer to the Austrian infantry line!
The situation on the Prussian right flank is now secure! All Austrian cavalry are in rout!
 The Austrian infantry now maneuver to protect "open" right flank.
Prussian battle line moves up to engage the "entire" Austrian battle line on the crest of the slope. The Austrians retire their artillery from the crest as they will not be able to "depress" the guns to fire at the emerging Prussians.
The Austrian left flank cavalry "routs off the field". On this flank the Grenz move to the edge of the woods and hope to harass the Prussian cavalry if they come close enough!
Both battle lines close to "fire-fight range", which is under 4 inches! Once in a "fire-fight" your morale is adversely effected by -1 for each subsequent turn. Realizing that each turn is fifteen minutes I think such a deduction is reasonable!
The  units are in "Fire-Fight" range!
This is what is left of Austrian right flank!
Austrians maneuver to cover their exposed left flank!

Both battle lines exchange "volley fire"!
Continuation of volley fire! Causalities mount!
Shot of the extended battle line!
Units from the second line move forward to replace the depleted ranks of the first line!
Here is a close-up of the fire fight! No Austrian Generals were killed in the battle...the Prussians lost 3 Major Generals.... which effected command control and morale!
The Prussian Grenadier battalions move into the fire fight! These are all crack units! But then they are also facing "crack" Austrian even fight!
This is the center of the battle line....causalities are mounting! The Austrians guns are placed to stop any Prussian breakthrough!
                                                      Continuation of fire fight!
Austrian right flank in fire fight, A combination of Austrian and Prussian quarter asked nor given!
                                          Another shot of the entire battle line and fire fight! During the 3 turns         of fire fight about a 130 "figures" a turn were being "hit"! Or 4,000 "real men" in 45 minutes!
The fire fight is over...the Prussians have rolled "step back"/"can not advance" and Austrians are retiring in good order! It is important to note that Prussian morale point was a "6" or lower and they rolled an "8"! It did not help them that all 3 of their generals were killed! The Austrian morale point was a 4 and they rolled "snake eyes - a "1" on each dice! Sometimes it is better to be "lucky" than "good"!
"THE" snake eyes! We use dice of different sizes just....
for "dramatic effect"!
Overview of battle as Austrians successfully "retire and Prussians attempt to regain order!
In the center you can see the 3 dead Prussian Generals (bases turned over!)
The right flank!
There were more than 808 figures wounded/killed in this battle that lasted 14 turns or 31/2 hours!
That is roughly 8,080 real men killed/wounded out of  34,000 engaged... a little less than 1 in 4!
here is the "pile" of 'dead chips"! A very bloody battle!
 Butcher Bill:
Austrians: no guns lost. nor artillerymen
Cavalry: 114 lost - 36%
Infantry; 361 lost - 25.6%
Generals killed: none
Total Losses = 475 figures 27%
Prussians: no guns lost. nor artillerymen
Cavalry: 48 lost - 13%
Infantry; 333 lost -26%
Generals killed: 3
Total Losses= 22%
A very bloody battle!
The Austrians are retreating towards Koniggratz and can expect to loose more men to stragglers and desertion.
 Although Bevern is under orders to keep attacking Austrians where ever they may be, his army is not able to continue campaigning without rest and new supplies....especially food and ammunitions!
"The King" although happy with the results is not satisfied with Bevern's "overall" performance and questions why he was not able to "bag all the Austrians"!
The 1757 Campaign continues.......


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