Friday, September 15, 2017

Battle of Ostrolenka

The French have caught up to another force of Russians at Ostrolenka, Poland.

French Forces:

Davout's Third Corps - 3 Infantry Divisions, 1 Cavalry Division, 7 batteries of artillery - 42 guns (21 gun models)

Murat's Reserve Corps - 1Hvy Division, 1 Dragoon Division, 4 batteries of artillery - 24 guns (12 gun models)

Totals - 30,240 infantry (3,024 figures), 6,800 cavalry (680 figures), 66 guns (33 gun models) - 3,800+ total figures

Russian Forces:

2 Divisions - 12 infantry regts., 8 cavalry regiments, 4 Cossack regts. 10 batteries of artillery (60 gun models), the Russians also can construct 3 redoubts anywhere on the battlefield!

Totals - 25,820 infantry (2,582 figures), 8,600 cavalry (860 figures), 120 guns (60 gun models) - 3,680+ figures

The terrain, at first glance, appears to be devoid of cover. But further examination reveals that there are several large marshes on the battlefield. If there has been a thaw these marshes will reduce movement to 1/4 of normal and eliminate any "wheeled" vehicles from traversing the marsh.

The French are "praying" for a hard freeze!

The Russians have finally "quit running" and decided to make a stand at Ostrolenka. The terrain and weather were both in their favor....3 large redoubts, marshes covering both flanks, and snowing....visibility was down to 600 yards and movement was cut by 1/3.

But with Marechals Davout and Murat in command of the French there was little doubt that the French would and did attack! But unfortunately for the French due to weather and terrain their artillery was at the back of their train and would play no part in the start of the battle.

Russian left flank. Notice Russian infantry deployed in swamp and marshes on the far left.

Russian center with 3 redoubts and 6 batteries of guns.
                                               Russian center/right.

                                          Russian far right flank...deployed in swamp and marshes.


                                  Below is entire length of battlefield. Russians on left, French on right.                       Notice  French Dragoon Cavalry Division deployed across road.

Even without any artillery on the field the French start an attack...against the determined mindless Russian brutes.... who have the advantage of ground, snow at their backs and 132 guns to none advantage in artillery! The French deploy the length of the field probing for a weakness in the Russian deployment....all the while trying to rush their own artillery to the field!
3 French infantry divisions...over 30,000 (3000+) infantry and 7,000 (700+) cavalry all advancing as if on "parade before Mon Emperor".....But actually more like marching to their death in front of overwhelming fire from the Ruskie guns!

French attack on Russian left.

French attack on Russian center

French attack on center/right

French attack on far right.
Although they were taking heavy causalities from the Russian artillery the French continued to advance and maneuvered their Dragoon division to charge the Russian guns!
This was the first critical moment in the battle! A French infantry brigade charges Russians on the hill, French Dragoons charge the mass Russians batteries, French light infantry under GD Morand attempt to turn the Russian far right flank!
Dragoons charge but do NOT close! GD Klein is killed!
French elites attempt to drive off Yelets Musketeer Regt. on the hill.
 GD Morand attempts to turn Russian flank
There is no joy in the Emperor's camp! Murat had to be restrained so that he would not attempt to single-handed overthrow the Russian guns!. For the French Dragoon Division under GD Klein failed to close with the Russian batteries! What's more General Klein was killed along with 480 of his men....and the division thrown back in disarray! Luckily for the French' Davout's 1st and 2nd divisions continued to drive back the Russians on the right flank and began to turn this Russian flank!

The next few moves will be critical....At last the French guns begin to arrive on the battlefield!

French Dragoons in disarray!
French turning Russian far right.
Russians flanked? Maybe, but why didn't that advance and cover the flank???

Far right and center. Is the only thing saving the Russian right, the Yelets Musketeer Regt??
Who's winning? Hard to tell sometimes, but is it more about who "thinks" they're winning??
Left and Center
After preliminary maneuvers the French are now ready to make their big assault on the "Great" Redoubt! This earthen "fort" contains 12 guns and 1 regiment of infantry and is the anchor of the Russian battle line! The French pay a dear price to close....losing over 480 men in the approach! While the assault on the redoubt has begun the French also advance against the Russian right an attempt to turn it and then roll up the other Russian batteries that are supporting the Great Redoubt

Do the French dare attack all 5 batteries...YES! They are Davout's 3rd Corps...the "Tenth Legion"
The Yelets Musketeers fight on!


The battle for the GR (Great Redoubt) continues as the French succeed in breaking in to entrenchments! To the right of GR French continue to attack the Russian right flank.

An unlikely "bunch of heroes" begin to earn a reputation for ferocity! The Russian Musketeer Regt.... "Yelets" stands alone on a hillock that is the key to conquering the Russian right flank!

The French attack with a force of 28 companies of "combined" elites...grenadiers and voltigers! With but 12 companies of peasant "stock" the Yelets resist the first assault!
CURSES! The red rubber bands on the French troops denote that they must retire....leaving the ground in the hands of the Yelets Musketeers!....But note that the majority of the Russians.."other than Yelets" must also retire!
As the fighting continues to escalate on the Russian right flank and center....the French 2nd Division III Corps has finally reached the Russian Left Flank. Davout had chose to mask this strong Russian contingent...because it had 5 batteries of artillery (60 guns), 6 regts of infantry- 12000+men (1,200 figures), and an extremely large Russian Lancer Regt......1,200 men!

The French soon come under fire from the 60 guns and start to suffer horribly.....losing almost 1,000 men in their first advance!


Russian Uhlans charge French left flank and force French to retire.

After a long hard fight the French eventually take the GR and the other 4 batteries in the center/right flank of the Russians! But at a tremendous cost......a entire French Dragoon Division is routed and won't soon be fit for service....the French combined "elite infantry company" force is routed right in front of Marechal Davout....probably no rations or lodging for them after the battle....standing watch in Poland during the winter is bad, but with the Cossacks always looking for can be fatal! Besides all these French problems...they suffered 2,000 other (200 figures) causalities in the assault!

But 60 Russian guns captured is a triumph for French Arms and Davout! Napoleon will probably "melt" them down for church bells to be hung in Notre Dame!

Why didn't the Russians counterattack and "throw" the French out?? Was the aim "To win A great Battle"? Or to bleed the French?
WE will see what happens when the Russians find their "place to fight"!
His Imperial Highness Alexander I.... has rewarded the Yelets Musketeer Regiment a special laurel for their "white" colonels' flag and special badges for 4 grenadiers in the grenadier battalion.
They also will receive an extra ration of meat (rat) for 2 days and some of that "numbing" Polish Vodka made from the tar pits surrounding the marshes of Ostrolenka! Unfortunately there were hundreds of wounded that have fallen into the pits!
This one regiment of 2,100 men fought off 6 separate French attacks by over 10,000 French elite troops! In the attached pictures you can see some of the "routed" French around the Yelets heroes!
HURRAH Yelets Musketeer Regiment!
This Bulletin edited:
by Capt. Vladimir Putin of Tsar's Internal Secret Police....and military awards/"righteous thinking committee"!

End of game on right flank!
Left Flank...French in disarray!

Right/ Center at end of day....French Dragoons have reformed, but will they attack?? French artillery is finally in position and ready to blast this why Russians retired?
The Russians have retired from the battlefield....and the French have another "empty" victory! The following is the list of losses for each side:
French: Infantry - 3,470 (347 figures) killed and wounded
             Cavalry - 1,320 (132 figures) killed and wounded
             Guns     - no losses
             Generals - GD Klein (commander of Dragoon division) killed, GB Lochet - seriously wounded
             Totals - 4,790 ( 479 figures) killed and wounded, no guns lost
Russians: Infantry- 3,080 (308 figures) killed and wounded ...entire  Riask Musketeer regiment killed or captured (put to sword) defending main redoubt
                 Cavalry - 280 (28 figures) killed and wounded
                 Guns - 60 guns (30 models) five complete batteries were captured, 600 (60 figures) artillerymen killed (died defending their guns)
                 Generals - No losses
                 Totals - 3,960 (396 figures) killed and wounded (very few wounded! When you withdraw from the battlefield under duress it is very hard to recover wounded), 60 guns lost
For the Russians the loss of half their artillery, 3 redoubts, a whole regiment of infantry, and yet another withdrawal will adversely effect moral and their strategic interest. On the bright side the Yelets Musketeer Regiment, outnumbered 3 to 1, fought off repeated attacks, and in the end drove off the French (converged elite companies routed!) 


  1. Superb visuals and account - thanks for taking the time to put that together.

  2. Forgot to ask. What are the bases frontages and depths you use?

  3. Thanks for posting this AAR, very impressive well done!

  4. Most impressive batrep, splendid battlefield and stunning mass effect!
